
Before every update, check the version of installed packages. The database version is particularly important.

yum info vprotect-server vprotect-node mariadb-server
# Or
rpm -qa | egrep -e "vprotect|Maria"

If the host computer has an Internet connection, use the yum command - you'll also see the new package versions provided by the repositories.

Server Upgrade

  • Make sure you have the Storware Backup & Recovery database backup.

    • You can use this command manually to back it up on-demand on the Storware Backup & Recovery Server:/opt/vprotect/scripts/backup_db.sh /path/to/backup/file.sql.gz

  • If Storware Backup & Recovery was installed on a virtual machine (not a physical one), it would be a good move to take a snapshot.

  • After backing up the database, we should carefully stop the Storware Backup & Recovery service to make sure that we don't have any tasks running (a running task may cause problems updating the database).

    • View all tasks, if you see even one on the list, clear it (wait for the ongoing tasks to finish)

    • You can do this from the WebUI (it's faster)

[root@vprotect ~]# vprotect task -L          

                GUID                   Type    State    [%]    Window start       Window end     Pri.     Node       VM/APP     
------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---  ----------------  ----------------  ----  ----------  -----------  
e3bb2496-3928-417c-a604-8c61b64df90e  Export  Running   0    2020-06-19 12:27  2020-06-19 17:27  50    vPro-Local  VM_01_Apine  
05c1d6cc-fe3b-40fb-9811-94b976571d8e  Store   Finished  100  2020-06-19 12:10  2020-06-19 17:10  50    vPro-Local  VM_01_Apine  
cb47190d-cf10-4cf9-8d1d-418eed5accf9  Export  Finished  100  2020-06-19 12:09  2020-06-19 17:09  50    vPro-Local  VM_01_Apine

#To delete a task from the list
[root@vprotect ~]# vprotect task -d cb47190d-cf10-4cf9-8d1d-418eed5accf9
  • Now, if you don't have any tasks on the list, you can stop the service.

[root@vprotect ~]# systemctl disable vprotect-server --now
  • To make sure that no scheduler has started a task before stopping the service, let's query the database.

    • If the table is not empty, start the Storware Backup & Recovery-Server service and clear the tasks again.

mysql -u root -p -e "Select * FROM vprotect.task;"
  • Make sure you have MariaDB up-to-date - currently Storware Backup & Recovery by default uses version 10.4, while 10.2.31 is the minimum version supported.

    • If you need to migrate between versions (for example. 10.3 to 10.4) - we recommend updating it as described here, but when you uninstall MariaDB packages you SHOULD NOT remove the Storware Backup & Recovery Server package (as a dependency) i.e. try the --noautoremove option: As centos/rhel 7 do not have the --noautoremove option natively, please use the rpm method.

    • Otherwise, minor MariaDB versions should be updated with yum update

    • rpm -e --nodeps "MariaDB-server-YOUR_VERSION_OF_PACKAGE"

    • Update the MariaDB repository to the correct version vi /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

    • Install the new MariaDB-Server yum install -y mariadb-server

    • Update all other components of MariaDB yum update -y mariadb

    • Start the MariaDB engine systemctl enable mariadb --now

    • Run mysql_upgrade to update the Storware Backup & Recovery Database mysql_upgrade --user=root --password

  • If the database update is successful, now we can start with the Storware Backup & Recovery Update. Make sure you configure our new repository for Storware Backup & Recovery - new base URL:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/vProtect.repo

  • Update the Server (it may take a while, the service is being restarted):

    yum -y update vprotect-server
  • If the server service was not running before update, you may also need to execute:

    systemctl enable vprotect-server --now

Node Upgrade

  1. Update each Node:

    systemctl stop vprotect-node
    yum -y update vprotect-node
  2. Run the script to configure the OS for Node:

  3. If the node service was not running before the update, you may also need to execute:

    systemctl enable vprotect-node --now
  4. Log in to the web UI and check if the nodes are running.

Cloud Server Upgrade

  1. Update Cloud Server on each host with Node installed:

    yum update sbr-cloud-server

Cloud Agent Upgrade

  1. Update Cloud Agent on each host with Node installed:

    yum update sbr-cloud-agent