Dell EMC Data Domain

Create a new Backup Destination (Dell EMC Data Domain)

  • Go into the backup destination menu and click on Create a backup destination.

  • Provide a name and description for the new backup destination.

  • Specify the retention days for full and incremental backups.

  • Specify the retention versions for full and incremental backups.

  • Choose and assign the node configuration to which you want to attach the new backup destination.

  • Add to one or more storage paths.

    • example - /vprotect_data/backupdestination

  • Save the configuration.

DD Boost FS Plugin

  • To boost the backup process we recommend using a single Storage Unit and mtree, and subfolders on the BoostFS for multiple backup destinations (with possibly different retention settings).

    • No additional data copy is needed in the store phase if staging is using the same file system as the backup destination.

    • The Setup assumes a single Storage Unit and a single mtree for all backup destinations.

    • The staging space should always be a top directory, and all backup destinations should be defined as separate subfolders of this file system.

    • Storware Backup & Recovery handles retention, and each backup destination may have different retention configured.

    • A single Storage Unit will also affect replication as it has to cover all backup destinations, and may replicate temporary data from the staging space or mounted backups.

  • Sharing the same BoostFS across multiple nodes allows the administrator to create backups on one node (one host/environment) and restore using a different node (to a different host/environment).

    • UID/GID ownership and permissions must allow Storware Backup & Recovery to read/write contents of the BoostFS share.

    • To meet these requirements, the user and group named vprotect that was created during the installation process must have the same UID and GID on each Storware Backup & Recovery node machine. You can create this before installing Storware Backup & Recovery packages or change it after installation.

  • Data Domain User requirements:

    • user must have backup-operator management role

    • user must be assigned to DD Boost Storage Unit

Prepare your PowerProtect DD as a backup destination:

  • Login to PowerProtect DD and create an NFS Storage Unit called storware-vprotect

  • Download BoostFS RPM from the Dell EMC site.

  • Install BoostFS:

    rpm -ivh DDBoostFS-
  • Save the password for BoostFS.

    # Syntax
    /opt/emc/boostfs/bin/boostfs lockbox set -d [DataDomain_IP_OR_DNS_NAME] -u [Access_User_Name] -s [Storage_Area_Name]
    # Example
    /opt/emc/boostfs/bin/boostfs lockbox set -d -u vprotect -s vprotectbackup
  • Add the /etc/fstab entry:

    # Syntax
    [DataDomain_IP_OR_DNS_NAME]:/[Storage_Area_Name] /[Mount_Point] boostfs defaults,_netdev,bfsopt(allow-others=true) 0 0
    # Example /vprotect_data boostfs defaults,_netdev,bfsopt(allow-others=true) 0 0
  • Mount the fstab entry:

    mount -a
  • For a manual, one-time mount you can run this command:

    # Syntax
    /opt/emc/boostfs/bin/boostfs mount -o allow-others=true -d [DataDomain_IP_OR_DNS_NAME] -s [Storage_Area_Name] /[Mount_Point]
    # Example
    /opt/emc/boostfs/bin/boostfs mount -o allow-others=true -d -s vprotectbackup /vprotect_data
  • Confirm with df -h that your /vprotect_data is mounted Note: Remember to specify the backup destination path as a subdirectory of /vprotect_data if you would like to use the same storage unit as a staging space and backup destination - for example: /vprotect_data/my-backups.

    mkdir /vprotect_data/my-backups
  • Set ownership to the vprotect user on the directory /vprotect_data.

    chown vprotect -R /vprotect_data
  • Set ownership to the vprotect user and data domain group on the directory /vprotect_data/my-backups.

    chown vprotect:gid /vprotect_data/my-backups

where 'gid' is the GID of data domain user specified in Synthetic DD Boost backup destination configuration.

  • Set read and write privileges for both user and group to the directory /vprotect_data/my-backups.

    chmod 0775 /vprotect_data/my-backups

Note: Synthetic DD Boost

To configure a synthetic backup destination, follow the instructions that are described in the documentation.

Last updated