
Storware Backup & Recovery Node preparation

Storware Backup & Recovery Node requires kubectl installed (you have to add Kubernetes repository to install kubectl) and kubeconfig with valid certificates (placed in /home/user/.kube) to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Check if your kubeconfig looks the same as below.


   current-context: admin-cluster.local
   kind: Config
   preferences: {}
   - name: admin-cluster.local
       client-certificate-data: <REDACTED>
       client-key-data: <REDACTED>
  1. Copy configs to Storware Backup & Recovery Node. (Skip this and point 2 if you don't use Minikube)

    • If you use Minikube, you can copy the following files to Storware Backup & Recovery: sudo cp /home/user/.kube/config /opt/vprotect/.kube/config sudo cp /home/user/.minikube/{ca.crt,client.crt,client.key} /opt/vprotect/.kube

  2. Modify the paths in config so they point to /opt/vprotect/.kube instead of /home/user/.minikube. Example:

- name: minikube
    client-certificate: /opt/vprotect/.kube/client.crt
    client-key: /opt/vprotect/.kube/client.key
  1. Afterward, give permissions to the vprotect user:

chown -R vprotect:vprotect /opt/vprotect/.kube

Kubernetes Nodes should appear in Storware Backup & Recovery after indexing the cluster.

Persistent volumes restore/backup

There are two ways of restoring the volume content.

  1. The user should deploy an automatic provisioner which will create persistent volumes dynamically. If Helm is installed, the setup is quick and easy https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/nfs-server-provisioner.

  2. The user should manually create a pool of volumes. Storware Backup & Recovery will pick one of the available volumes with proper storage class to restore the content.


  • currently, we support only backups of Deployments/DeploymentConfigs (persistent volumes and metadata)

  • all deployment's pods will be paused during the backup operation - this is required to achieve consistent backup data

  • for a successful backup, every object used by the Deployment/DeploymentConfig should have an app label assigned appropriately