IBM Spectrum Protect

  1. Register the ISP node on your ISP server.

    • Log in to your ISP server and prepare a policy set for Storware Backup & Recovery backups.

       Def dom vprotect
       Def pol vprotect vprotect
       Def mgmt vprotect vprotect vprotect
       Def co vprotect vprotect vprotect dest=<StoragePoolName> vere=nolimit verd=nolimit rete=nolimit reto=nolimit
       Assign defmgmt vprotect vprotect vprotect
       Activate pol vprotect vprotect
    • Register the node on the ISP server:

      register node vprotect_proxy <SecretPassword> dom=<VMdomain> maxnummp=10 passe=0 dedup=cli backdel=yes
  2. Use a script to automatically download and install the ISP API and client.


Make sure to type the IP address of your ISP server, TCP port, and node name correctly. For example:

  1. Next step is to set up the Backup Destination in our UI.

    • Go to Backup Destination and select Enterprise

    • Now you can add IBM Spectrum Protect Backup Destination

    • Type name and attach Backup Destination to Node Configuration. You also need to set:

      • path to dsm.opt file (Default is /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.opt), where are saved information of IBM Spectrum Protect Nodes,

      • name of IBM Spectrum Protect Node,

      • password to ISP node.

Last updated