Huawei FusionCompute

  • Supported version: 8.x .

  • The node can be installed outside of the environment, but not behind a NAT.

  • Incremental backup uses the CBT functionality of VRM. This means that currently, incremental backup can only be performed on a vms with installed VMTools (You can find instructions on how to install VMTools on VRM's Help page).

Creating a FusionCompute HypervisorManager

  • Fill in the url field:

    • https

    • address of VRM server, hostname or IP, with port (default is 8443)

  • Fill in the admin username and password for VRM.

Backup and Restore

  • Backup and restore use LANSSL transfer mode for communication with CNAs.

  • Requires a connection to each Hypervisor (data transfer during the backup/restore process will be performed directly between the node and the CNA/Hypervisor on which the vm is running).

Backup process

  • A snapshot of the VM is performed. (type 'normal' when the vm is without VMTools or type 'CBTbackup' if the vm has VMTools installed).

  • The metadata of vm is backed up in json format.

  • Each disk is then backed up sequentially, using LANSSL transfer mode. During this process, the node communicates with the specifc CNA directly.

  • If incremental backup is performed: additionally the CBT map for each disk is backed up.

  • The last snasphot is kept on the hvm for incremental backup.

Restore process

  • The node sends a request to the VRM to create a new VM based on the metadata stored during the backup process. The VRM automatically creates the required disks.

  • For each disk, the node sends data using LANSSL transfer mode directly to the CNA, restoring the backed up content.

Restore settings

*Restore to hypervisor manager

  • Select the storage to which disks will be restored

  • Cluster and host selection:

    • If the host is selected then the vm will be restored to that host and bound to it.

    • If the host is set to None, then a cluster must be selected and the vm will be restored to that cluster

  • You can specify the name for the restored vm.

Last updated