E-mail template for deployment e-mail

Template file:


Available placeholders:


  • ${user.firstName} - (string) KODO user first name, e.g. "Jon"

  • ${user.lastName} - (string) KODO user last name, e.g. "Doe"

  • ${user.fullName} - (string) KODO user first and last name, e.g. "Jon Doe"

  • ${user.username} - (string) KODO user login, e.g. "administrator"

  • ${user.password} - (string) KODO user password

  • ${user.guid} - (string) KODO user GUID

  • includePassword - (boolean) true if "Include user password" has been selected

  • ${links.downloadWindowsX86} - (string) link to KODO client for Windows x86, empty if client package not uploaded to the server

  • ${links.downloadWindowsX64} - (string) link to KODO client for Windows x64, empty if client package not uploaded to the server

  • ${links.downloadOsx} - (string) link to KODO client for Mac OS, empty if client package not uploaded to the server

  • ${links.downloadAndroid} - (string) link to KODO client for Android, empty if client package not uploaded to the server

  • ${links.mobileMagic} - (string) magick link for mobile devices

  • ${links.desktopMagic} - (string) magick link for desktop devices

  • desktopDeployment - (boolean) true if desktop deployment

  • mobileDeployemnt - (boolean) true if mobile deployment

Default template:

    <title>Kodo installation</title>
<body style="text-align: center;margin:0;font-family:'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;color:#000;font-size:11pt;color:#808080;">

<div style="margin: 0 auto;width: 550px;text-align: left;">

    <div style="height: 140px;width: 550px;">
        <img alt="Kodo" src="cid:topcid"/>

    <h3 style="margin-bottom:0px;color:#000;">Installation Guide</h3>
    <hr style="margin:0px;text-align:left;color:#d9261c;background-color:#d9261c;height:2px;border:0px;width:148px;"/>

        Hi ${user.fullName},

        this email was sent to you by KODO administrator please do not respond to it.

        In next couple steps we will help you install KODO application on your laptop and phone.

<#if desktopDeployment!false>
    <h3 style="margin-bottom:0px;color:#000;">Laptop Installation</h3>
    <hr style="margin:0px;text-align:left;color:#d9261c;background-color:#d9261c;height:2px;border:0px;width:155px;"/>
        Please install the correct package depending on your operating system.

<#if links.downloadWindowsX86??>
        <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">
            <a style="border:none" href="${links.downloadWindowsX86}">
                <img alt="Windows" src="cid:wincid"/><br/>
<#if links.downloadWindowsX64??>
        <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">
            <a style="border:none" href="${links.downloadWindowsX64}">
                <img alt="Windows" src="cid:wincid"/><br/>
<#if links.downloadOsx??>
        <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">
            <a style="border:none" href="${links.downloadOsx}">
                <img alt="OS X" src="cid:ioscid"/><br/>

        When application is installed you can configure it manually or using:<br/>
        <p><a style="color:#FF8C00;font-weight:500;" href="${links.desktopMagic}">Magic Link</a></p><br/>

<#if mobileDeployment!false>
    <h3 style="margin-bottom:0px;;color:#000;">Phone Installation</h3>
    <hr style="margin:0px;text-align:left;color:#d9261c;background-color:#d9261c;height:2px;border:0px;width:150px;"/>

        Please install the correct package depending on your phone.

        <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">
            <a style="border:none" href="https://www.microsoft.com/pl-pl/store/apps/storware-mobile/9nblggh0dmhn">
                <img alt="Windows" src="cid:wincid"/>
        <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">
            <a style="border:none" href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.storware.kodo">
                <img alt="Android" src="cid:androidcid"/><br/>
<#if links.downloadAndroid??>
                Google Play
<#if links.downloadAndroid??>
        <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">
            <a style="border:none" href="${links.downloadAndroid}">
                <img alt="Android" src="cid:androidcid"/><br/>
                APK file
        <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">
            <a style="border:none" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/storware-kodo/id1075813002">
                <img alt="iOS" src="cid:ioscid"/>

        When application is installed you can configure it manually or using:<br/>
        <p><a style="color:#FF8C00;font-weight:500;" href="${links.mobileMagic}">Magic Link</a></p><br/>
        <b><i style="font-size:10pt;">Please remeber that the magic link will only work if you use it on your phone</i></b>

    <p style="font-size:10pt;">
        For manual configuration:<br/>
        Server address: <b>${serverAddress}</b><br/>
        Username: <b>${user.username}</b><br/>

        Thank you for using KODO


Last updated