Organization Portal

Logging in with organization admin credentials ( the admin user is the predefined user to log in) you will log in to KODO Organization Portal. This is a place, where you can configure KODO organization settings, add new organization administrators, add new users, deploy KODO client packages and more.

If you log in as the admin user the following pane menu is available :

  • Dashboard - allows checking overall KODO server statistics.

  • Users- allows to check, upload, set, and delete deployment packages for clients.

  • Devices - allows to manage Kodo administrators and display organization administrators

  • Restore Jobs - allows to manage (add, remove, change) organizations within the KODO server.

  • Audit log - audit all events such as login or change settings made in KODO Admin Portal.

  • Settings - allows to set the email server, establish a connection to the IBM Spectrum Protect server, update the license, set the properties of the logs, set billings statistics, and database backup.

Go to the Dashboard chapter to learn about what useful information you can find there.

Last updated