To create a new application for PostgreSQL database backup, go to the tab: Applications -> Instances
Then select the Create button. The Creating an Application Definition section will be displayed, which needs to be completed.
This is a description of how your script is going to be invoked - you need to specify:
Name - unique name of the application in the Storware Backup & Recovery system
Choose Node Config - select which node should perform the task
Backup policy - specify which backup policy should be used for this application
Command execution configuration - select a prepared template for PostgreSQL backup or create a new one yourself
In the SSH access subtab, complete the following fields:
Host - set the address of the host where the PostgreSQL instance exists
Port - set the host port
Next, select OS Credentials or create a new one and provide the following information:
Name - unique name of the OS Credentials
User - indicate a user for connecting to the ssh
Password - enter the connection password
SSH key path - alternatively you can specify the ssh key path for authorization
After saving the changes to the application, you need to configure the environment variables in the settings section of your application as needed.
When using the built-in script for database backup, define:
VP_SQL_USER - login username to PostgreSQL
VP_SQL_COMPRESS - if backup should be compressed on PostgreSQL server, then please type "Yes"
VP_SQL_PASSWORD - password to PostgreSQL user database
VP_SQL_LOGFILE - path to PostgreSQL server where Storware Backup & Recovery can place the log file from the backup job
VP_SQL_DBLIST - a comma-separated list of database names to back up
VP_SQL_STOREPATH - the path to the PostgreSQL server where Storware Backup & Recovery can place the temporary backup file. Do not store other files in this path because when the backup is finished, Storware Backup & Recovery deletes all files from the path
VP_SQL_SCRIPTPATH - the path to the PostgreSQL where Storware Backup & Recovery can place and execute the backup script
Note: After the new application is fully configured, save the changes and go to the Backup SLAs configuration.