In order to enable snapshot management for Storage Instance you need to do the following steps:
Go to Snapshot SLAs under the Storage section and create a new Snapshot Management policy:
As well as other types of Policies, you'll also find 4 main sections here:
Under this section you can set up:
Name of policy
Enable/disable this policy
Snapshot Retry Count - how many times, Storware will try to repeat the snapshot task
Set priority for the task
In this section you can set up:
Assign only
Assign and remove
Include or exclude rules based on regular expression matching Storage Instance name, i.e.:
regular expression examples:
.* match any character any number of times
storage-[0-9][0-9][0-9] - match name that starts with storage- and 3 digits
(prod|uat|dev)-[0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z]? - match the name that starts with prod or uat or dev prefix, then -, then 3 digits and optional lower-case letter (matching is case-sensitive)
exclude rules always take precedence over include rules
Storage Instances may not be reassigned to the different policy if they already have a matching policy assigned
Storage Instances may be reassigned to the different policy only if mode is assigned and remove, current policy assignment rules don't match, and other's policy rules match
rules are joined with OR operator, so
if any rule (tag or matched regular expression) excludes Storage Instance - it will be excluded
if no rule (tag or matched regular expression) excludes Storage Instance, and any rule (tag or matched regular expression) includes Storage Instance - it will be included
You can also select Storage Pools to match only Storage Instances that belong to them
In this place, you can select storage instances manually in a simple way.
Provide retention settings - how many snapshots (created by this policy) will be kept and for how long. If you have already created a schedule, you can also select it.