Unpack ova file.
Log in to Nutanix Prism. Go to Image Configuration on the left pane and click Upload Image.
Provide a name for the image. Select Image Type as DISK and upload the file that is extracted from Step 2.
Wait for the Image Create and Image Update tasks to complete.
Go to VM pane and click Create VM.
In the Create VM dialog box, provide details about the VM name and Time zone. Allocate 4 vCPU and 8 GB RAM as per the documented guidelines. Leave the Boot Configuration as the default Legacy BIOS. Click Add New NIC, and assign the VLAN for the VM.
Under Disk option, click Add New Disk. Select Type as DISK. Select Operation as Clone for Image Service. Select BUS type as SCSI (default). Select the Image that we created in Step 5 (Size of the OS disk is 59 GiB as of version 19.10.) Click ADD and Save.
Once the VM is built, click Power On to start the VM.
Once the VM is ON, connect to the VM using virtual console (from Prism) and configure networking with "NetworkManager TUI" tool.
SSH to VM with default credentials: Username: root Password: vPr0tect
Run the command "nmtui" for the options to setup hostname, IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, and DNS details.
Remove VM from the virtual environment.
If the backup destination is outside VM, then remove backup files from the backup destination.