In the General tab you have the following option to set:
Set as default policy -Set policy as a default for newly synchronized users
Allow user to modify policy - User can add new objects to protect - modification will only concern a user device where the modification has been made, server settings will be not changed.
Allow admin to restore user files **-**Allow administrator to restore user files directly to his workstation.
Password requirements for local users accounts:
Minimum password length
Require lowercase letters
Require uppercase letters
Require both letters and numbers
Require special characters
Send email notification for unprotected desktops - If the device will change status to unprotect, the device owner will be notified by e-mail**.**
Show desktop as "Unprotected" after a specified period since the last backup [day] - Number of days, without any contact from a desktop device, after which status will be changed to unprotected
Show desktop as "Unprotected" after specified period since the last backup [day] - The number of days, without any contact from a desktop device, after which the status will be changed to unprotected.
Allow users to encrypt their data using their own encryption key -Allow users to enable client-side data encryption. Data is encrypted using a key based on a password provided by the user. Encrypted data cannot be restored by an administrator.