Add Microsoft 365 organization using Setup Assistant

To add your Microsoft 365 organization to KODO for Cloud server using Setup Assistant, do as follow:

  1. Go to the Settings menu -> select the Microsoft 365 Organizations tab -> click the Add Organization button -> select the Setup Assistant option.

  2. In the Wizard window read the information and click the Next button to go to the next step. (ss)

  3. Copy the authorization code -> click the link and enter it -> sign in to your Microsoft 365 organization as a user with administrator's rights.

  4. The application tenant is created. Click the Next button to go to the next step.

  5. Click the "Log in to Microsoft 365" button -> log in as the administrator and click Accept button to grant permissions for the created application.

  6. You will be redirected to the KODO admin dashboard. Enter the name for the config.

  7. Check the "Import users" and "Import sites" options to import these assets.

  8. You can optionally provide a user name and password for the defined user to backup up shared mailboxes. The user account should have set "Global reader" permission to read information about Exchange shared mailboxes.

  9. Save your settings by clicking the Save button.

  10. You will be asked about import users and sites. If everything was set properly, the validation task status should be "COMPLETED".

Required permissions

  1. Since you're granting tenant scoped permissions this granting can only be done via the appinv.aspx page on the tenant administration site. You can reach this site by typing the address: (replace the tenantName with your tenant name). Once the page is loaded, do as follow:

  2. Enter your App Id (client ID) and click the Lookup button.

  3. Enter the App Domain name.

  4. In the "App's Permission Request XML" window enter the following lines:

    <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" 
         Right="FullControl" />
  5. When you click on the Create button you'll be presented with a permission consent dialog. Press the Trust It button to grant the permissions.

  6. Open Powershell command prompt and execute the command:

    Set-SPOTenant -LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled $True

It enables the LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled setting.

Go to the Launch backup & recovery section to learn how to backup and recover users' Microsoft 365 data.

Last updated